Icelandic Pollen Samples

Principle author:  Willem Koster
Additional contributors:  Andrews, Barclay, Bartley, Buckland, Colquhoun, Eddudottir, Edwards, Einarsson, Erlendsson, First_author_last_name, Gathorne-Hardy, Gisladottir, Hallsdottir, Hellqvist, Jonsson, Karlsdottir, Lawson, Möckel, Okko, Pahlsson, Riddell, Roy, Schmid, Schwaar, Sveinbjarnadottir, Thorarinsson, Tisdall, Verrill, Wastl, Zutter
Contributing institution: University of St Andrews
Publisher:  SEAD
Date Created Begin:  May 20, 2019
Date Created End:  Ongoing
Spatial Coverage:  Iceland
Temporal Coverage : 8,350 BCE - Present
Subject List (FISH Vocabularies): Archaeological Objects: Pollen, Tephra; Archaeological Sciences: Palynology, Pollen, Radiocarbon Dating, Tephrochronology, Specialist Sampling, Lead Isotope Dating, Foraminifera Analysis; Events: Core sampling; Historic Characterization: Wetland, Marine, Grassland, Heathland, Peatland, Woodland (deciduous).
Relation:  Willem Koster to provide.
Format:  jSON
Type:  Collection
Creative Commons Licensing: CC BY-NC-ND

Collection method(s):  Willem Koster to provide.
Objects/samples collected:  Pollen.
Why are you collecting this data/overall objective?:  Land cover modeling: Input for pollen-based reconstruction models to reconstruct past vegetation land cover for future use. Some GIS mapping.
How will you use this data?:  Input for models (other pollen-based reconstruction methods).

Important points of interest within data:  None mentioned.

Publications:  None at this time

Description:  The Pollen dataset is a collection of pollen data for sites in Iceland covering the Landnám period, as well as the raw pollen data for relevant taxa.  Any site containing some pre- and post-Landnám vegetation history is included.  Fossil pollen data gives an insight into the past vegetation.

Retrieve full project and record-level metadata for Icelandic Pollen Samples on Github.